
the EDG via SAT solver prototype

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Turning Coders into Makers :
The Promise of Embedded Design Generation

Appendix to the paper “Turning coders into makers: The promise of Embedded Design Generation.” by Rohit Ramesh, Richard Lin, Antonio Iannopollo, Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, Bjoern Hartmann, and Prabal Dutta. Presented at the Symposium on Computational Fabrication (SCF), Cambridge, MA | June 12 - 13, 2017



All the experiments were launched using the same executable, each with a different command line. The common main file of the prototype is here.

The project can be compiled simply executing on a terminal the following command:

stack build

In the following paragraphs there are all the experiments we have run. For each experiment, there is a link to the file implementing the experiment control logic, the command used to run the experiment, and one or more graphs describing the results.

Experiment 1 : Blinky

Blinky Design

Experiment 2 : Feedback Fan

Feedback Fan Design

Experiment 3 : Robot

Robot Design

Experiment 4 : Datalogger

Datalogger Design

Experiment 5 : Datalogger with FAT

Experiment 6 : Simon

Simon Design

Experiment 7 : Simon with trinket

Design of Simon with trinket

Experiment 8 : Simon with dome buttons

Design of Simon game with dome buttons